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HR Imenik [Slovenian]

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HR Inspirator And (Heart) Energy Recruitment Specialist

Who am I and what am I good at?

I’m a modern ambassador of global HR and recruiting transformation.

I firmly believe that past experiences do not define us. What defines is what we are now and what we believe we can become tomorrow.

I also believe that we are all connected by default on many levels. And this connection is based on how we as people think, feel, behave and act and in general, these “energetic waves” of magnetic energy are known as our vibration.

So when we are talking about synergies between people in the personal or professional environment we are actually talking about vibration/frequency matches.

Based on this fact and my personal experiences I have founded Free Spirit Human Capital company and I’m on a mission to empower HR professionals, teams, and job seekers with knowledge about marketing (personal energy brand, employer energy brand), personal growth, spiritual growth and also with the fact that HR it’s not about human resources but human relations and connection between people on a deeper level.

– you are a company owner struggling to find the best talent or
– if your team needs some motivation/inspiration or
– if you are someone who feels it’s time for a change in career…

… I can (most probably) help you with your challenges!

It doesn’t matter if you are a Nobel Prize Winner, a billionaire or a cashier at a local shop – if you are a human being with good intentions, I can help you (or your team) to activate the power of your heart energy to change your current situation.

Perfect-for-you candidates already exist!
Perfect-for-you employer already exists!
The perfect-for-you team already exists!

You need to align your own/your company’s vibrational frequencies with the wanted reality. And trust me, it’s easier than you might think.

I can help you with:

💥Energy Employer Brand
💥Heart Energy Recruitment
💥Team Energy Management
💥Culture / Energy Fit Strategy
💥Activating The Heart Of Teams

💥Career Empowerment
💥Personal Energy Brand
💥CV energy optimization
💥Linkedin energy optimization

My goal is to build a new bridge between talents and employers based on my own experience and the feedback of many individuals (and companies) I have met over the years, empowering them with useful and conrete information that they obviously cannot / do not know how to exchange and create long-term synergies between them.